Knattspyrnufélag ÍA og Tori Ornela , markvörður meistaraflokks kvenna, hafa komist að samkomulagi um starfslok Tori hjá félaginu.
Hún hefur verið einn af lykilleikmönnum ÍA í sumar og spilaði einnig með liðinu í fyrra. Það er mikill missir af henni fyrir ÍA í komandi leikjum í Inkasso-deildinni.
Tori Ornela sagði ‘’I want to apologize from the bottom of my heart for the sudden decision to leave in the middle of the season. This has been the most difficult decision I have had to make, but it is not the end of my career. I want to personally thank the club for everything they have done for me the past two seasons. Also I would like to thank Helena, Aníta, and my teammates for making me feel a part of a family. I will cherish all the ups and downs that we have shared together. You all will forever be in my heart and I wish you all the best in the rest of the season. Lastly, thank you to the supporters l who have chanted and watch all of our games. I am glad to share my journey here in Akranes with you all, giving you excitement to watch women’s football. Your support is everything to me and this club, so I truly thank you. Áfram ÍA forever!”
Við óskum Tori velfarnaðar í framtíðinni með þökk fyrir góða frammistöðu á
liðnum árum.
Ingimar Elí Hlynsson
Sími: 620 2870
Páll Guðmundur Ásgeirsson
Skrifstofu-og verkefnastjóri KFÍA
Sími: 858 7361
Sverrir Mar Smárason
Sölu- og markaðsstjóri KFÍA
Sími: 897 6153